Here Are the Speakers for Day 1 of The Greater Reset 5





Greater Reset Family,

We are nearly at the 30 day countdown for The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation! Wow, we can hardly believe it ourselves, but we are almost there!

As we prepare to meet again in the mountains of Morelia, we want to share with you our speaker lineup for Wednesday January 17, Day 1: Liberate Your Mind, Body, and Soul!

Remember, each of these presenters is sharing how to heal – mentally, physically, and spiritually!

We are also excited because on Day 1 of TGR5 we will be starting off with an opening prayer and an intention-setting exercise that we hope everyone will show up early for!

Without further ado, meet the lineup for Day 1 of The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation:

Miriam Gomez – Miriam is an artist, entrepreneur, permaculturist and activist. She started practicing meditation in 2013 and since then has now led over 150 guided group meditations through MedMob, as part of the Conscious Resistance 2017, 2018 and 2021 tours across the US, and in her communities in Houston, TX.

Ramiro Romani – Ramiro Romani is a technologist, activist, educator, and entrepreneur who dropped his corporate career to work on meaningful social movements. He is a core member of the Freedom Cell Network, and co-producer of The Greater Reset. He’s helped grow both of these movements to tens and thousands of people while protecting the privacy of their users.

Carey Wedler – Carey Wedler is a content creator who focuses on breaking through authoritarian programming to promote peace, freedom, decentralization, and the evolution of consciousness. She previously worked as a journalist and editor-in-chief for the now-banned Anti-Media, an independent news organization. She takes special interest in the intersection of spirituality, self-ownership, and anarchism as a path forward for humanity.

Luis Fernando Mises – Luis Fernando is the principal of Emancipated Human LLC. He has vision to be present and empower people and has been doing that for over a dozen years. He has been developing servant leadership programs for over a decade and has been internationally recognized as a leader in designing interactive curriculum and growing leaderful cultures.

Antony Sammeroff – Antony Sammeroff is a psychotherapist and economics journalist known for the book Universal Basic Income – For and Against. Antony has been writing on the pharmaceutical industry and the corrupt economics of healthcare for years, including his free eBook 7 Big Pharma Myths Debunked.

Jason Christoff – Jason Christoff runs an international overcoming self sabotage and psychological reprogramming institute where students are educated on the subjects of mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and psychological manipulation. Jason’s students then use their knowledge in these areas to help reprogram their clients into better versions of themselves on all levels.

Bodreay Fraser – BoDreay Fraser is the Creator of iHealCollective, a conscious health community that aims to brings together diverse practitioners from all modalities and walks of life, to offer patients a variety of healing modalities. From Ancient Techniques to innovative technologies that are interconnected in aiding one’s wholistic healing journey bringing into alignment and reconnecting physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional body.

Illuminati Congo – Illuminati Congo is a Chicago-based one-of-a-kind project melding hip hop aesthetic with reggae consciousness, imagined and realized by visionary frontman Jahn Da Baptist and backed by production created by Nic the Graduate.

Thanks for the support! Get your General Admission Tickets NOW!

– The Greater Reset Team –

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