


The Freedom Cell Network presents The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation

From January 18, to 22nd, 2023, The Freedom Cell Network gathered more than 40 presenters in Central Texas and Central Mexico for a solutions focused discussion on Exiting from “The Great Reset” and building the better world we know is possible.

The theme of Day 5 was Building Free and Conscious Communities.

How can we best implement the knowledge we have gained from the other themes? What practices and rituals are important to developing a healthy sense of self, family and community? The final day of Co-Creation will focus on how we can create intentional communities, eco-villages, and agoras which take a holistic approach to building the new world.

Enjoy these presentations:

Yoshi and Pola Pantera – Regenerating Cultures
Video / Audio

Nomad Brad – Mobile Homesteading
Video / Audio

Dr. Lydia, Arturo Ponce de Leon – Sacred Geometry, Off Grid Living, & Holistic Architecture
Video / Audio

Ash Wiecek – A Story of Manifesting Our Reality
Video / Audio

Dirk Christoph – Net Positivity vs Sustainability
Video / Audio

Alma Barajas-Alcalá – Soil & the Relationship with the Perpetual Cycle of Transformation in Communities
Video / Audio

Miguel Pe̱a РMexico and Transitional Communities
Video / Audio

Mariano Goren – The Key to Designing a Civilization of Your Own Design
Video / Audio

Rebecca Bush – Co-Creating Community in the 21st Century
Video / Audio

PANEL: Building Community in Tumultuous Times
Video / Audio

Stay tuned for the rest of the Spanish versions of The Greater Reset 3: Integration and TGR4: Co-Creation!






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