Announcing Activation Hubs





We’ve learned through producing countless conferences, tours, and events around the world that people everywhere have the will & capacity to change their local towns. This year we’ll provide you a blueprint for creating an ‘Activation Hub’ in your hometown. From this hub, you’ll be the one to start a positive social movement in your local area.

Activation Hubs

What is an Activation Hub?

Activation Hubs are autonomous events that are planned by YOU and your community. They can take any form or size, as simple as inviting your friends & family over to watch the event, or expansive as taking place at a local venue, with various activities scheduled throughout like markets, food shares, workshops, and activism.

When should I plan them?

Plan your hub around and during the 5 Days Of The Greater Reset (Jan 26 – 30th, 2022). You can center your activities around watching the live streams, which play from 3 PM – 7 PM (UTC-6).

Why should I start a hub?

The hub is designed to connect communities together, forming parallel systems, markets, and leaders who organize them. You will work with people in your community to put this event together. You will get to know the business owners, food producers, skilled creators, activists, and promoters. Together you’ll be able to plan meaningful activities like garden days, community service, meditations, and workshops. You will begin to transform your town if you market your event outside of your circles, using The Greater Reset designs (which will be provided) to print out flyers/stickers that can be spread around town. This will bring followers & customers to your event and the organizations involved. Relationships will be built that sustain your community and its independent projects in the future.

The Program

– The official program page can be found at:
– You can register your hub on the website and we will place it on a map of the world and a searchable hubs database. (to be released)
– We will release flyers/sticker design templates that local hubs can customize and use to market their events.
– Let us know in your submission what activities you would like to plan, and your contact email.
– Closer to the event we will check in with you to see how your planning is going. We will invite all the hubs to join us on a private call during The Greater Reset.
– We will invite hubs to speak live on stream every day of The Greater Reset, share your projects with the world!

10 STEPS TO CREATE YOUR HUB (from simple to advanced)

1. Invite some friends over to watch The Greater Reset
2. Have guests bring organic vegetables, cook together, trade seeds, and do a garden project.
3. Partner with a local organization or Freedom Cell, collaborate on planning the event and activities.
4. Reach out to a local business owner to secure a venue. Reach out to local vendors to sell their goods at your event.
5. Gather emails & contact information to stay in touch
6. Print out flyers and stickers promoting your event, spread the word in your local area with your team.
7. Perform a group meditation, counseling, discussion, or healing session at your event.
8. Create a website or event page. Design a graphic and have your group spread it on social media. Make sure to have date/time, contact info, and outlined activities.
9. Bring in local educators to teach workshop and classes
10. Form a local Freedom Cell or another independent community organization. Continue to have meeting and events indefinitely into the future, creating positive change!

We can’t wait to see your different hubs represented and hear how you are changing the world! Peace and love ❤️

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