The People's reset

workshops schedule

wednesday, january 29

workshops, ceremonies & activities
8:45am – 9:45am

Silencia el pensamiento: Yoga, Esencias y Sonidos

with Yareni Ramirez Salado

8:45am – 9:45am
“Silence the Thought: Yoga, Essence and Sound” is a unique experience that combines yoga, aromatherapy and the vibrant sound of singing bowls to calm the mind and reduce anxiety. This moving meditation practice activates the mind-body connection through sensory stimulation: the gentle aroma of essential oils promotes relaxation, while the sound vibrations balance the nervous system....
8:45am – 9:45am

Morning Tai Chi, a Moving Meditation Flow

with Tahaul

8:45am – 9:45am
Let the morning breeze yield its secrets. Come to feel good and explore your own self with these Ying Yang like movements built-in Tai Chi. They are easy and natural to follow. Meanwhile a teaching is transmitted. What it teaches is not in words yet you can feel some shift may occur in your own self....
8:45am – 9:45am

Beyond Money: The True Value of Humanity

with Alexander Barker

8:45am – 9:45am
What would happen if the financial system collapsed today–our bank accounts depleted, investments shorted, and absurd inflation? Would we cease to exist? Would the buildings and roads crumble? Would the forests die? Would the rivers stop flowing? Would we lose all the skills we have practiced?...
8:45am – 9:45am

What I Wish I Knew When I started Learning Spanish

with Anton Bueckert

8:45am – 9:45am
In recent years, many people from the U.S., Canada, and other English-speaking countries have come to see Mexico as an attractive destination. Mexico certainly has a lot going for it, but foreigners do have to contend with the language barrier. This workshop will present some helpful information for Spanish students....

10am – 12:30pm

liberate your mind, body and soul on main stage

12:45pm – 1:45pm

Surya Kriya - Kundalini Yoga practice

with Katherine Armitage & Stewart Johnston

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Practice of Surya Kriya – The Sun Kriya Practicing this leads to more energy, purification, better digestion and enthusiasm. It makes the mind clear and action orientated and builds the strength of the body and the ability to focus on many tasks This workshop is suitable for people who are able bodied and have physical flexibility....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Crypto Early Adopter Masterclass. How to use Foundations and Trusts to Exit and Build

with Tim Picciott

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Activation Room at the Grand Cantalagua Hotel (Best Western)
Ever wonder how the so called “elite” use Foundations and Trusts to avoid capital gains and preserve their legacies? The ideal candidate for this class is someone that got into Bitcoin or Crytpto Early, is a US Citizen, has significant unrealized gains and is looking to Exit and Build....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

The Hunter Heartbeat Method

with David Jobson

12:45pm – 1:45pm
The Hunter Heartbeat Method is a series of sensory drama games, which allow autistic people to share how it feels to be alive and celebrate their identity. Created by actress and director, Kelly Hunter of Flute Theatre, this award-winning methodology has been worked for and with autistic people across the world....

2:00pm – 4:10pm

liberate your mind, body and soul on main stage​

4:10 PM-5:00 PM

Community Networking

For Day 1, we invite you to come network with our speakers and attendees to discuss mental, physical, and spiritual health!

Main Hall

5:00pm – 5:15pm

Ayahuasca Ceremony Q&A

with Eme & Adair

5:00pm – 5:15pm
Main Stage
Join Eme & Adair, your facilitators and guides through the Ayahuasca Ceremony, as they share more information about the experience, what to expect, who it is for and more about who they are. They will be here to answer you questions and share a song or two with you so you can feel in your heart if this is for you or not....
5:15pm – 6:15pm

Conscious Parenting, Partnership, Self-Directed Learning and More

with Lainie Liberty

5:15pm – 6:15pm
Circle Discussion Group supporting parents to become anarchist / voluntaryist parents. Many parents live their lives through the consent-based principles but do not have the tools to apply this to their own parenting. Please join this discussion circle if you are looking for tools to help you transform your parenting into a paradigm of partnership....
5:15pm – 7:15pm


with Dr. H.C. Luna Montenegro del Mar

5:15pm – 7:15pm
Activation Room at the Grand Cantalagua Hotel (Best Western)
KEYS TO RECOVER YOUR HEALTH FROM DIABETES, HYPERTENSION, KIDNEY DYSFUNCTION, CANCER, ETC. In this Workshop, we will learn the natural way to “Self-heal” our own body. We will analyze our own case, with our symptoms and we will discover the cause of our condition....
5:05pm – 6:55pm

Regenerative Culture Design Workshop (Spanglish)

with Yoshi Pantera

5:05pm – 6:55pm
The People’s Reset is grateful to welcome Yoshi Pantera once again with his powerful workshop of how to radically help regenerate today’s world, starting with thy-self. Join this engaging workshop for an exploration of Regenerative Culture – a practical framework for redesigning how we live, work, and thrive together in harmony with all life....
5:15pm – 6:15pm

Alineamiento sagrado: Sanación del trauma a través de la Sabiduría Ancestral, Ceremonias, Medicinas de la Tierra y Ciencia Moderna

with Dana Bek

5:15pm – 6:15pm
Manifestation Room at the Grand Cantalagua Hotel (Best Western)
De Miedo a la Transformación: Entendiendo y Sanando el Trauma en Todos Nuestros Cuerpos Este viaje te invita a explorar las formas complejas en las que el trauma impacta las dimensiones espiritual, energética y física de nuestro ser. Al comprender estas capas y su interconexión, podemos transformar el dolor en crecimiento, equilibrio y autoconciencia....

7:00pm – 11:00pm

For Liberty & Community! - Concert

Sinuhé García
Sol Disciple

Main Hall

thursday, january 30

workshops, ceremonies & activities
8:45am – 9:45am

Morning Tai Chi, a Moving Meditation Flow

with Tahaul

8:45am – 9:45am
Let the morning breeze yield its secrets. Come to feel good and explore your own self with these Ying Yang like movements built-in Tai Chi. They are easy and natural to follow. Meanwhile a teaching is transmitted. What it teaches is not in words yet you can feel some shift may occur in your own self....
8:45am – 9:45am

Surya Kriya - Kundalini Yoga practice

with Katherine Armitage & Stewart Johnston

8:45am – 9:45am
Practice of Surya Kriya – The Sun Kriya Practicing this leads to more energy, purification, better digestion and enthusiasm. It makes the mind clear and action orientated and builds the strength of the body and the ability to focus on many tasks This workshop is suitable for people who are able bodied and have physical flexibility....
8:45am – 9:45am

Recovery Dharma Meeting

with Echo Colon

8:45am – 9:45am
As part of The People’s Reset, a five-day event dedicated to exploring transformative solutions, we invite you to join a special Recovery Dharma meeting. Recovery Dharma offers a trauma-informed, peer-led, and empowered approach to recovery, grounded in Buddhist principles and practices. Our meeting welcomes anyone seeking freedom from addiction, whether substances, behaviors, or processes, and creates a space for personal inquiry, mindful connection, and healing....
8:45am – 9:45am

Mandala Morning Meditation

with Monica Yanez

8:45am – 9:45am
Activation Room at the Grand Cantalagua Hotel (Best Western)
In a practical way I will share how and why mandala meditation works. Will practice for over 20minutes to get ready for the day!...
8:45am – 9:45am

Breathing For Life! How To Aspire, Inspire and Conspire with Natural Microdosing LSD, the Power of your Breath

with Rob Williams

8:45am – 9:45am
Join Dr. Rob Williams, director of the Nordic Flow Academy @, to explore how to unleash our secret “Team Human” super power – conscious, strategic breathing – and begin to aspire, inspire, and conspire. We humans enjoy 20,000 breaths every day, and yet, 80% of our “Team Human” species are breathing dysfunctionally – Heavy, Fast, and Shallow – rather than breathing optimally – Light, Slow, and Deep (LSD)....

10am – 12:30pm

permaculture & food independence

12:45pm – 1:45pm

Your Great Reset Retirement Blueprint

with Tim Picciott

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Activation Room at the Grand Cantalagua Hotel (Best Western)
The ideal candidate for this workshop is anyone that is within 10 years of retirement or in retirement and is trying to get ahead of the Great Reset. Tim Picciott has been a Certified Financial Planner (TM) For 13 years and a financial planner for the past 16....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Don't Be Trashy, Get Zero Wasted

with Jason Robo

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Gain power avoiding trashing ourselves and the Earth. Participants acquire awareness, tools, and strategies from decades of research averting toxicity terrible for ourselves and the environment. Food is literally called “junk.” Explore existence, from food and water, to air and care products. Even furniture and clothing, to light and technology....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

MASTERMIND: Co-Creating the Confederation of Freedom Communities

with John Bush

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Join John Bush for an inspiring and action-driven mastermind where you’ll work together with other participants to strategize on how to best build the Confederation of Freedom Communities—a network of communities united by shared values of liberty, permaculture, and mutual support. This collaborative session will explore how we can pool our resources, talents, and visions to establish a thriving confederation that strengthens individual communities while fostering collective resilience....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Get Your Salsa On!

with Aure Sia

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Have you always wanted to learn how to salsa dance? Join us for a high-energy salsa class where you’ll master the basics, plus learn some fancy footwork and spins! Inspired by the vibrant dance scenes of Cuba and Colombia, this class is open to all levels....

2:00pm – 4:10pm

permaculture & food independence

4:10 PM-5:00 PM

Community Networking

For Day 2, we invite you to come network with our speakers and attendees to discuss your food journey! Are you a novice when it comes to growing food? Do you have many years of experience? Come join us and spread your knowledge and gain some new insights!

Main Hall

5:15pm – 6:15pm

Atrapando la Libertad:Cómo Superar El Miedo y tener un Parto Tranquilo

with Brenda Smith

5:15pm – 6:15pm
Vamos a mirar temas que los médicos utilizan para iniciar dudas y preocupacioness, y cómo podemos responderles con confianza. Tendremos clínica para mujeres embarazadas, y una charla con preguntas y respuestas....
5:15pm -6:45pm

Off-Grid with Homeopathy

with Ananda More

5:15pm -6:45pm
More and more of us are embracing the ideals of self-sufficiency: growing our own food, producing our own energy, taking charge of our economics and building resilient communities. As we empower ourselves with these skills, we often ignore our reliance on convention medicine. The alarming statistics reveal that up to 70% of the population in the US is dependent on prescription medications, often leading to worse chronic conditions, debilitating injuries and life-changing adverse effects....
5:15pm – 6:15pm

10 pasos para vivir Sin basura

with Yareni Ramirez Salado

5:15pm – 6:15pm
Este taller busca guiar a los participantes en la transición hacia un modelo de vida cero residuos, enfatizando prácticas básicas como el compostaje de residuos orgánicos, el reciclaje eficiente y estrategias para superar los desafíos cotidianos en una sociedad altamente urbanizada y dependiente del plástico....
5:15pm – 6:15pm

Defy the Banksters with DeFi

with Dave Stann

5:15pm – 6:15pm
Learn about decentralized finance & the different possibilities it offers to become more economically sovereign. Some basic knowledge of cryptocurrency is assumed but no prior DeFi experience is required. We’ll cover the basics of decentralized lending, borrowing, trading, staking, futures, liquidity pools & other yield-generating opportunities to grow your wealth completely outside the existing financial system....
5:15pm – 6:15pm


with Dr. H.C. Luna Montenegro del Mar

5:15pm – 6:15pm
Activation Room at the Grand Cantalagua Hotel (Best Western)
In this Theoretical Workshop, you will learn the beginnings and foundations of Permaculture, you will learn a formula to “Live in a Self-Sustainable Way in Harmony with Nature.” You will learn examples of Mexican groups that live in an EcoVillage, Cooperatives that live in a Self-Sustainable Community and an Urban Garden that has become a reference for Permaculture in Mexico....
7:00pm – 10:00pm

Logos Assembly: Mexico Meetup

with Sterlin Lujan

7:00pm – 10:00pm
Mangoo Dayclub
Builders, technologists, cypherpunks, and free thinkers: We invite you to the fourth edition of the Logos Assembly – Mexico! Come network at Mangoo Dayclub! (Haendel 25, La Loma, 58290 Morelia, Mich., Mexico) ​​This The People’s Reset side event is an opportunity for our community and anyone interested to join Logos core contributor, Sterlin Lujan and Derrick Broze, co-founder of The Freedom Cell Network, to discuss topics technical and philosophical – from the ethos of the cypherpunks to the latest in cryptographic research – in relaxed surroundings....

6:00pm – 8:00pm

Ecovillage Networking

sponsored by legacy advisors

Join us for an evening specifically focused on networking with others who:

1. Have land
2. Looking for land
3. Have financial resources
4. Looking for community

Main Hall

friday, january 31

workshops, ceremonies & activities
8:45am – 9:45am

Silencia el pensamiento: Yoga, Esencias y Sonidos

with Yareni Ramirez Salado

8:45am – 9:45am
“Silence the Thought: Yoga, Essence and Sound” is a unique experience that combines yoga, aromatherapy and the vibrant sound of singing bowls to calm the mind and reduce anxiety. This moving meditation practice activates the mind-body connection through sensory stimulation: the gentle aroma of essential oils promotes relaxation, while the sound vibrations balance the nervous system....
8:45am – 9:45am

Morning Tai Chi, a Moving Meditation Flow

with Tahaul

8:45am – 9:45am
Let the morning breeze yield its secrets. Come to feel good and explore your own self with these Ying Yang like movements built-in Tai Chi. They are easy and natural to follow. Meanwhile a teaching is transmitted. What it teaches is not in words yet you can feel some shift may occur in your own self....
8:45am – 9:45am

Pangea Hearthist “Arte y Música” Catalizadores para la Sanación y Cohesión Social

with Victor Napenda

8:45am – 9:45am
Manifestation Room at the Grand Cantalagua Hotel (Best Western)
Imagina un espacio donde el arte y la música se convierten en las herramientas más poderosas para sanar, unificar y transformar. Este taller interactivo lleva a los participantes en un viaje creativo donde el dibujo, la pintura y la música actúan como una danza sagrada entre la materia y el espíritu, activando conexiones profundas con la fuente creativa y la esencia de lo que significa ser humano....
8:00am – 9:30am

The Inner Freedom Workshop: Breaking the Shackles of Emotional Repression and Childhood Trauma | Part 1/2

with Ina Backbier

8:00am – 9:30am
Activation Room at the Grand Cantalagua Hotel (Best Western)
Do you feel the weight of oppression and control? The external fight might distract you from your deepest oppressor – emotional repression rooted in childhood. Join Ina Backbier to explore how this unconscious survival mechanism shapes your thoughts, stifles creativity, and may be the culprit keeping you trapped in worry, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, messy relationships, and compulsive patterns....

10am – 12:30pm

Agorism & Parallel Networks

12:45pm – 1:45pm

Surya Kriya - Kundalini Yoga practice

with Katherine Armitage & Stewart Johnston

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Practice of Surya Kriya – The Sun Kriya Practicing this leads to more energy, purification, better digestion and enthusiasm. It makes the mind clear and action orientated and builds the strength of the body and the ability to focus on many tasks This workshop is suitable for people who are able bodied and have physical flexibility....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Starting a community or home based bicycle repair shop (Empezar un taller communitario de bicicletas o una en su propio hogar)

with Mike Bike

12:45pm – 1:45pm
The purpose of the workshop is to learn how to fix and maintain bikes with low up front investment and run it in a time-saving and efficient way. Then figure out a way to provide the services in a way accessible to your local community....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Crypto basics: breaking free from the banks

with Fernand Pors

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Would you like to explore ways to take control of your money outside of the reach of banks? Cryptocurrencies offer a way to do that and this workshop will show you how. Topics include: • Why crypto matters: Understand how it offers freedom from the restrictions of traditional banking • Self custody: Learn how to securely store and manage your crypto without relying on third parties • Informed decisions: Explore ways to protect against inflation and surveillance • Protect your data: Consider ways to buy or exchange crypto without giving up your personal information • Guard your crypto: Avoid common risks, mistakes and scams This workshop is for people who are relatively new to crypto and won’t go deep into technical details....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Change Your Light Change Your Life

with Paul Roy

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Activation Room at the Grand Cantalagua Hotel (Best Western)
In this workshop we will show you how you can change the natural and artificial light in your environment to affect massive change in your health and quality of life. From hormones, immunity, fertility, energy, production, sleep quality, and more. Light as medicine is a panacea hidden in plain sight....

2:00pm – 4:10pm

Agorism & Parallel Networks

4:10 PM-5:00 PM

Community Networking

For Day 3, we invite you to come network with our speakers and attendees to discuss what you believe are the most important pieces of parallel systems and networks to build!

Main Hall

5:00pm – 6:00pm

How to Arrest the Organized Crime Deep State for a Couple of Million Bucks Using the Uniformed Secret Service, Capital Police and DC Law Enforcement

with Etienne de la Boetie2

5:00pm – 6:00pm
Main Stage
In this workshop, Etienne will share first-hand details of how a relatively small group of less than 5000 veterans came close to taking over the White House on October 13th, 2013 during the March on the Memorials. The government of Barack Obama had locked the veterans out of their memorials and after a protest the veterans broke down wrought iron barricades, carried them over their heads to the White House and dumped them defiantly in a pile on the lawn, they surrounded the White House, Secret Service and Park Police resulting in the open deployment of the Secret Service’s Counter Sniper Team and the Metropolitan DC Police’s Riot Police....
5:15pm – 6:15pm

Create your own symbol

with Sara Thorn

5:15pm – 6:15pm
Our subconscious mind often communicates through symbols that are not evident to our conscious minds. Have you ever wondered or yearned to find a symbol that resonates with who you are now? Not like the plethora of logos in our modern times that are about selling a brand in the outside world, but taking a deep dive through a guided meditation to explore finding a symbol, image, colour, pattern from deep within yourself that captures the essence of who you are?...
5:05pm – 6:55pm

Regenerative Leadership: True Transformation by Prototyping Change through Design Thinking (Spanglish)

with Jessica Artiles

5:05pm – 6:55pm
“The one thing I’ve learned about Transformations is that it always begins with the leadership transforming.” —Len Greski Pioneering the field of Human Re-Programming, Jess Artiles has introduced and promoted Design Thinking in communities worldwide, from Nicaragua to India, from Indonesia to Brasil. Her work has empowered diverse groups, including solar women entrepreneurs, university students, and educators....
5:15pm -6:45pm

Exploring Personality Aspects For Greater Harmony Within Yourself And Your Community

with Lucyana Lightheart

5:15pm -6:45pm
In this Workshop I will give a both theoretical and practical introduction to the Internal Family Systems (IFS) Model. The IFS Model is one of the most comprehensible models to understand personality aspects (also known as “subpersonalities” or “inner parts”) like the inner child, the inner critic, our protector parts who want to keep us save through various – sometimes rather destructive – means, and so on....
5:15pm – 6:15pm

Frecuencias para Sanar

with Gaby Alvarado

5:15pm – 6:15pm
En este taller aprenderás los beneficios de las ondas emitidas por un cuenco sobre nuestra salud y diferentes aspectos personales además de que es la sonorerapia. Como las frecuencias de los cuencos nos ayudan a estar relajados y esto puede mejorar nuestro estado de ánimo y en consecuencia nuestra salud y bienestar general....

4:10 PM-5:00 PM

Community Networking

For Day 3, we invite you to come network with our speakers and attendees to discuss what you believe are the most important pieces of parallel systems and networks to build!

Main Hall

7:00pm – 11:00pm

Together We Rise! - Concert

Join us for our 2nd concert featuring 33, Alais Clay, Prezence, and international touring artist Dub FX!

Don't miss out on ANOTHER epic night of conscious music!

Main Hall

saturday, february 1

workshops, ceremonies & activities
8:45am – 9:45am

Morning Tai Chi, a Moving Meditation Flow

with Tahaul

8:45am – 9:45am
Let the morning breeze yield its secrets. Come to feel good and explore your own self with these Ying Yang like movements built-in Tai Chi. They are easy and natural to follow. Meanwhile a teaching is transmitted. What it teaches is not in words yet you can feel some shift may occur in your own self....
8:45am – 9:45am

Surya Kriya - Kundalini Yoga practice

with Katherine Armitage & Stewart Johnston

8:45am – 9:45am
Practice of Surya Kriya – The Sun Kriya Practicing this leads to more energy, purification, better digestion and enthusiasm. It makes the mind clear and action orientated and builds the strength of the body and the ability to focus on many tasks This workshop is suitable for people who are able bodied and have physical flexibility....
8:45am – 9:45am

From Problems to Possibility: Rethinking Our Approach to Challenges

with Steven Morris

8:45am – 9:45am
Introduction: I have some good news for you and some bad news, – Bad news: Solutions are just another way the Matrix keeps you trapped inside it. – Good news: The way out is to stop solving your problems! Abstract: Many of us grow up in environments that emphasize identifying problems and seeking solutions....
8:45am – 9:45am

Before There Was Money (An Intro to Anarchist Anthropology)

with Crow Qu'appelle

8:45am – 9:45am
Most of us can agree that there is something deeply wrong with the world today, and that many of the problems we face have something to do with an unjust economic system. There are many different ways of framing the problem, but most will agree that banks are a root cause of much of our political, social, and economic woes....
8:00am – 9:30am

The Inner Freedom Workshop: Breaking the Shackles of Emotional Repression and Childhood Trauma | Part 2/2

with Ina Backbier

8:00am – 9:30am
Activation Room at the Grand Cantalagua Hotel (Best Western)
Do you feel the weight of oppression and control? The external fight might distract you from your deepest oppressor – emotional repression rooted in childhood. Join Ina Backbier to explore how this unconscious survival mechanism shapes your thoughts, stifles creativity, and may be the culprit keeping you trapped in worry, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, messy relationships, and compulsive patterns....

10am – 12:30pm

Empowering Technology

12:45pm – 1:45pm

Tech and your Child

with Lainie Liberti

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Circle Discussion Group supporting parents on their journey as they navigate screen time, gaming, restrictions and limits. Many parents struggle as they bump up against screen time issues with their child. How do we remain in partnership, support our children’s passions and create healthy limits?...
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Apertura y Conexión Energética / Openness and Energetic Connection (Spanglish)

with Yacciry Ahuja Jiménez

12:45pm – 1:45pm
En el taller Realizaremos canalización/meditación guiada para conectar cuerpo físico, cuerpo mental, cuerpo emocional y cuerpo energético desde tu escencia original, limpiar para hacer vacío de todo aquello que no necesitamos en cualquier parte del ser y conectar sistema digestivo de forma integral (sistema digestivo energético, sistema digestivo mental, sistema digestivo emocional y sistema digestivo físico) a través de frecuencias y códigos de Luz para actualizar tu propio sistema operativo alineado consigo mismos....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Síndrome del colapso de la colmena y cosecha de mieles del estado de Michoacan

with Andrés Garcia Domínguez

12:45pm – 1:45pm
SÍNDROME DEL COLAPSO DE LA COLMENAS Colapso o desaparición de las abejas, la pregunta es como comenzó, cuando se detectó y donde se detectó, que factor o que factores lo originaron, como se dispersó el suceso a otros países desde su inicio, quienes interactúan en investigaciones, es un factor o son varios los factores los que contribuyen al problema....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

How to Access Media without Paying for Subscriptions

with Derrick Broze

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Music. Movies. Scientific studies. Books. Knowledge, entertainment, and imagination have been locked behind paywalls by big corporations. In this short workshop Derrick Broze will outline the steps to take to access movies, music, books, and scientific studies without paying giant corporations. Instead, you can support artists/writers/scientists directly while bypassing the blockade on the exchange of ideas, words, and music....

2:00pm – 4:20pm

Empowering Technology

4:20 PM-5:00 PM

Community Networking

For Day 4, we invite you to come network with our speakers and attendees to discuss how technology can be a part of humanity's liberation!

If you are a tech expert, or a novice who doesn't know where to start - this is the networking for you! We will also be hosting a crypto exchange!

Main Hall

5:00pm – 5:55pm

Interactive Learning Pod Design

with Hila & Michael New Earth Network

5:00pm – 5:55pm
Art Gallery
Workshop outcome: 1. To create and design a learning pod concept according to the group’s core values. 2. Give attendees a blueprint to start local Learning Pod community gatherings. Our work/playshop will be an interactive circle which will inspire and motivate people to start creating Learning Pods, community-based education where a few homeschooling families and people who wish to support them, come together as a village which raises the children....
5:15pm – 6:15pm

To Be Magnetic - A Process for Inner Healing & Manifesting

with Miriam Gomez

5:15pm – 6:15pm
Join Miriam on a walk through of the healing process she spoke of on Day 1. She will share her experience and the process itself. To Be Magnetic is the #1 DESTINATION FOR NEURAL MANIFESTATION Identify your blocks, find your authentic self, and start manifesting the life you’ve always wanted....
5:30pm – 9:00pm

Morelia Sight Seeing & VIP Dinner

with Adriana Flores

5:30pm – 9:00pm
Meet In The Greenspace
Enjoy a tour around Morelia seeing the history and beauty of the city and arrive at an award-winning restaurant with exquisite cuisine to network further with your favorite speakers. Join The People’s Reset Family as we participate in a special guided tour through the beautiful historic center of the city to admire its spectacular architecture and history....

sunday, february 2

workshops, ceremonies & activities
8:45am – 9:45am

Silencia el pensamiento: Yoga, Esencias y Sonidos

with Yareni Ramirez Salado

8:45am – 9:45am
“Silence the Thought: Yoga, Essence and Sound” is a unique experience that combines yoga, aromatherapy and the vibrant sound of singing bowls to calm the mind and reduce anxiety. This moving meditation practice activates the mind-body connection through sensory stimulation: the gentle aroma of essential oils promotes relaxation, while the sound vibrations balance the nervous system....
8:45am – 9:45am

Morning Tai Chi, a Moving Meditation Flow

with Tahaul

8:45am – 9:45am
Let the morning breeze yield its secrets. Come to feel good and explore your own self with these Ying Yang like movements built-in Tai Chi. They are easy and natural to follow. Meanwhile a teaching is transmitted. What it teaches is not in words yet you can feel some shift may occur in your own self....

10am – 12:30pm

Building Free & Conscious Communities

12:45pm – 1:45pm

The profound & simple answer to all our problems

with Katherine Armitage

12:45pm – 1:45pm
We have been lied to for ever more about everything so, what if there are other things so simple and profound that we’ve never heard of them as they’ve been so well covered up? What if these things, if put into practice, are the simple answers to the world problems we face?...
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Self Reflexology

with BoDreay Fraser

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Teaching people how to release Tension and Traumafrom thier own bodies to become their own practioner and release Chronic pain. We will help show you how tension is stored in the body and runs through certain pathways that is directly connected to the nervous system and intertwined with all the systems of the body especially stimulating the movement and drainage of lymphatic fluids and increasing the immune system function....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Design Your Sustainable Lifestyle

with Gabriel Villarreal

12:45pm – 1:45pm
This workshop aims to inspire and guide participants in creating a personalized sustainable lifestyle, drawing inspiration from eco-communities like POXIL. Through interactive activities and discussions, attendees will envision a sustainable future tailored to their goals and learn actionable steps to achieve it. The session begins with a warm introduction to the concept of sustainable living, including an overview of its benefits for individuals and the planet....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Buy Land Build Community

with John and Rebecca Bush

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Join John and Rebecca Bush for an empowering workshop designed to guide you through the process of purchasing land and building a thriving, intentional community. Whether you’re looking to create a family homestead or collaborate with like-minded individuals, this workshop will provide practical strategies, insights, and real-world examples to help you turn your vision into reality....

2:00pm – 4:10pm

Building Free & Conscious Communities

4:10 PM-5:00 PM

Community Networking

For Day 5, we invite you to come network with our speakers and attendees to discuss your community visions, your goals, your ongoing projects, and, generally, connect with the TPR community one last time!

Main Hall

5:15pm – 6:15pm

Build a Decentralized Website

with David Perez Negron

5:15pm – 6:15pm
How to build a decentralized static website and decentralized it using static sites and ipfs (beginners)...
5:15pm -6:45pm

Meeting Love, Meeting Myself

with Xacinta Castillo Della Valle

5:15pm -6:45pm
I introduce the group in a practical way to the Work of Byron Katie as self Inquiry praxis that can be used on a daily basis to rewrite the story of our stressful narratives like I cańt, I am not able, I am not capable, I am not good, this is so hard, I am alone, etc....
5:15pm – 6:15pm


with Wendy Boode and Alex Barker

5:15pm – 6:15pm
The beauty of community-building is that it can begin anywhere—whether you’re in a busy city, a quiet suburb, or camped out in the countryside. The possibilities are limitless because the core of building a community is not about location, but about intention and connection....
5:15pm – 6:15pm

The True Reset: Man Made Law to Divine Law The Foundation for building a Parallel World

with Bradley Logan

5:15pm – 6:15pm
If Bradley’s talk on the main stage caused you to want to know more, please join us in this enlightening PLAyshop. We will explore the intricacies of the PLA Trinity Model ~ which serve as a new foundation taking you from the world of man made law to the Divine Jurisdiction of natural law....

7:00pm – 11:00pm

the cacao ceremony and music temple

Hosted by Lukas and Myra & Miriam Gomez

Main Hall

9:30pm – 10:00am

Ayahuasca Ceremony

with Adriana Flores

9:30pm – 10:00am
AYAHUASCA Healing with ancestral medicine, with wonderful results, where we heal body and spirit. The ceremony will take place on February 2nd near the community of Santiago Undameo, in a beautiful cabin surrounded by trees.  This is ayahuasca the Shaman brings from Peru. The ceremony lasts all night and through it you will be guided by a team of professionals....
5:15pm – 6:15pm

Build a Decentralized Website

with David Perez Negron

5:15pm – 6:15pm
How to build a decentralized static website and decentralized it using static sites and ipfs (beginners)...

monday, february 3

workshops, ceremonies & activities
10:00am – 4:00pm

RETURN TO THE TEMPLE: Sacred Exploration of Tzintzuntzan & Ihuatzio Pyramids

with Dr. Lydia & Arturo de Leon

10:00am – 4:00pm
Meet In The Greenspace
Embark on a transformative half-day journey on the 3rd February to two of Michoacán’s most sacred sites—Tzintzuntzan and Ihuatzio. Guided by Dr. Lydia de Leon, a renowned temple expert, and Arturo de Leon, a specialist in Sacred Geometry, this unique experience will deepen your connection to ancient wisdom and the planet’s energetic grid....
12:45pm – 1:45pm

Lift Your Voice

with Aure Sia

12:45pm – 1:45pm
Engage in an empowering vocal journey! This workshop will allow you uncover your authentic voice as you learn to resonate freely, liberate from inhibitions, and express your true self. Discover harmonization techniques while exploring the incredible potential of healing through your authentic voice. Join the workshop for an immersive experience in vocal liberation and creative exploration....
5:15pm – 6:15pm

The People's Party & Open Mic

with Yoshi & Pola Pantera, Lukas, Ale, Robo and the rest of the crew

5:15pm – 6:15pm
Private residence in Morelia, Mexico
A Regenerative Culture Gathering Get ready to experience the ultimate celebration of Community and Regenerative Culture Living! As The People’s Reset conference comes to an end, we invite you to join us for one more night of connection, creativity, and collective vision. Each year, this gathering gets bigger and better....

register now

These workshops are ONLY available for those who attend the conference
so be sure to grab your tickets now!

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